One of the highlights in the draft 2025 budget tabled in Parliament on Monday is the intent by the Greek state to pay eight billion euros in support mechanism bailout loans in December, before they mature.

Specifically, some 7.93 billion euros worth of variable interest rate loans extended by institutional creditors will be covered ahead of time. The specific loans are now to mature in 2026 2027 and 2028.

The Greek state has already paid back loans worth 5.29 billion euros last December and 2.645 billion euros in the previous December: 2022.

The general government debt for this year is expected to ease to 153.7% of GDP, down from 161.9% in 2023.

In 2025, the general government debt is forecast to fall to 149.1% of GDP, with its nominal value at 361.4 billion euros, compared to 2024.