Debt Management Agency: Greek State Will Need to Borrow 18.9bln€ in 2024

PDMA said roughly 10 billion euros will be covered by bond issues, another 4.1 billion euros will sought from the European Investment Bank (EIB), the Next Generation EU economic recovery package and other credit lines.

The Greek state’s borrowing needs for next year reach 18.9 billion euros, according to the Public Debt Management Agency (PDMA), the organization that issues and manages the country’s debt.

Of the aforementioned figure, PDMA said roughly 10 billion euros will be covered by bond issues, with another 4.1 billion euros sought from other sources, such as the European Investment Bank (EIB), the Next Generation EU economic recovery package and other credit mechanisms.

Another 1.6 billion euros will be sought from the sale of shares and other state assets. Finally, 3.6 billion euros are estimated to be drained from the state’s cash reserves.

Additionally, PDMA estimates that a liquidity “cushion” mandated by the third bailout agreement totals approximately 30 billion euros.

Exactly 5.463 billion euros are budgeted for refinancing maturing bonds; 4.8 billion euros for interest payments and 12 billion euros for the final payment of interest-bearing promissory notes.

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