Total deposits were up in the month of August on a year-to-year basis at 1.9%, compared to 1.4% in July, according to a press release by the Bank of Greece (BoG).

In the private sector, deposits recorded a €1.4 billion uptick in August of 2024, while there was a €607 million decrease in July.

The annual rate of change regarding the total credit extension in the domestic economy remained constant, settling at 3.8% in August, the Bank of Greece reported.

The monthly net flow of total credit was negative by €371 million in August 2024, compared with a negative net flow of €1,242 million in the previous month.

In August 2024, the monthly net flow of credit to the general government was negative by €473 million, compared with a negative net flow of €100 million in the previous month; the annual growth rate stood at -0.8%, compared with -0.4% in the previous month.

In August 2024, the annual growth rate of credit to the private sector increased to 6.9% from 6.4% in the previous month. The monthly net flow of credit was positive by €102 million, compared with a negative net flow of €1,143 million in the previous month.