Athens Launches ‘Energy Academy’ to Promote Energy Conservation

The initiative was launched by the City of Athens, in cooperation with its development arm DAEM, in order to train local government officials on how to save energy at municipal buildings and combat energy poverty

The City of Athens has launched an educational program for municipal officials, called “Energy Academy”, in an effort to train them on how to conserve energy at municipal buildings and ways to combat energy poverty

The program is run in cooperation with the City of Athens and its development agency called DAEM and was announced Monday, May 27.

The Mayor of Athens, Haris Doukas, has also proposed the creation of energy communities in all municipalities in order to facilitate the production of low-cost green energy for vulnerable populations. This would need the government to allocate land in municipalities for such projects.

The event was attended by mayors and representatives of 15 municipalities, according to TO BHMA. 

Energy communities are considered an effective way of re-structuring energy systems by empowering citizens to drive the energy transition locally. It enables them to directly benefit from better energy efficiency, lower bills, reduced energy poverty and more local green job opportunities.

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