Yesterday’s News Wrap-up includes the following:

Twenty-two Greeks were evacuated from the capital of Lebanon, Beirut, as well as 38 Cypriot nationals, after a C-130 military aircraft of the Hellenic Air Force took off from Greece and completed the mission.

The escalating cost of living and the financial well-being of citizens emerged as the primary drivers behind voter choices in the June 2024 European Parliament elections, according to data from the “Eurobarometer” released on Thursday by the European Parliament. The survey offers insights into voter behavior and highlights the key priorities of EU citizens.

Turkey’s air force has canceled its participation in the Ramstein Flag 2024 NATO tactical training exercise, which will be hosted at the Andravida military base in southwest Greece, citing what it claims is Greece’s “persistence” in adhering to Athens flight information region (FIR) rules.

In what appears to be the first step of a campaign to regain his seat as president of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis released a slick video encouraging voters to register for the party, and arguing  that SYRIZA can move the country forward.

Houthi rebels are threatening Greek-flagged ships belonging to companies cooperating with Israel, according a report released on Thursday by  Reuters. Through an email campaign, Iran-backed Houthi rebels are warning Greek shipping companies to stop any cooperation with Israel or face the consequences. The email threats are also targeting Greek-flagged ships with little or no connection to Israel and directed at entire fleets.

Always stay up to date with To Vima’ English Edition’s News Wrap-up.