Despite the picture presented by the official unemployment rates, Greece is by all accounts facing an acute labor shortage in sectors ranging from primary agriculture production to computer programming.

According to a recent survey by the Manpower Group, 82% percent of employers asked in the first quarter of 2023 reported difficulties finding human resource talent, up from 77% in the corresponding period in 2022. The figure rises to 87% in the case of large companies.

Asked about the level of employment in Greece, 28% of the responding employers said they were considering a staffing increase, 18% said reductions were expected, and 51% percent said no change in staff numbers was forecast.

Another study, this one by Randstad of job seekers, found that young adults seeking employment in the tech sector have high salary demands (78%), while 77% percent of the respondents in this sector said they would leave their present position to seek better pay or working conditions.

Turning to unskilled workers, the Greek government this week unveiled a controversial draft amendment – tacked on as a rider to a social insurance bill – that would legalize approximately 30,000 foreign nationals in the country who either lack or have lost residency and/or work status.

According to a number of ministers, the measure is needed to restore legal status to non-EU foreign nationals who are currently working “off-the-books” and are at risk of deportation.