10 Greeks on Forbes’ Annual List of Billionaires

Shipping magnates and their families the most represented

Forbes’ annual list of the world’s billionaires includes 10 Greek entrepreneurs, investors and shipowners for 2024, with four new entries in comparison to 2023.

Specifically, shipping executive Maria Angelicoussis was in the 432nd place, up from 455th in 2023, with a fortune estimated at 6.4 billion USD.

Maria Angelicoussis

Mining and commodities dealer Aristotelis Mistakidis was the second Greek on the list, with a personal fortune valued at 3.3 billion USD, followed in third place by shipping heir and noted art collector Phillip Niarchos with 2.8 billion USD.

Aristotelis Mistakidis

The rest of the Greeks on the Forbes list are shipowner George Prokopiou and family (2.6 billion USD), a new entry at 1,286th place; Constantinos Martinos and family (2.3 billion USD); Spiros Latsis and family (2.2 billion USD), up by 700 million euros from 2023; Vardis Vardinoyannis and family (2.2 billion USD); Marianna Latsi and family (1.8 billion USD); Andreas Martinos and family (1.8 billion USD), and Athanasios Martinos and family (1.5 billion USD). The latter two are new entries onto the list.

George Procopiou

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