“Greek Art over the Decades” Astrolavos art gallery
Astrolavos art gallery hosts an exhibition showcasing artworks by Greek artists spanning from the 1930s to the present day creating a captivating juxtaposition. Renowned artists from the 1930s, such as Kopsidis, Tsarouchis, and Manoussakis, coexist and interconnect with pieces from the 1960s by Mytaras and Fasianos, followed by contemporary artists like Patraskidis, Klironomos, Papadimitriou, and more. Paying tribute to Greek artists and their diverse oeuvre over last decades the exhibition will be open on January 13 from 11AM till 3PM and Tuesdays-Fridays between 12PM—4PM and 5PM-8PM until February 3.

Artwork by Rallis Kopsidis

By Alekos Fassianos
“King Lear” by William Shakespeare
Renowned Greek director Giannis Chouvardas invites audiences to reflect on concepts of family complexities, authority, and political power, as well as the consequences of their loss, through his directorial perspective on Shakespeare’s tragedy, King Lear. Accompanied by a band of three musicians and a skilled cast, Chouvardas employs audiovisual technologies to immerse the audience in the madness of Lear, blurring the boundaries between a theatrical experience and cinematic illusion. The performance on January 13 at 8:30 PM will be presented with English subtitles at the main stage of the National Theater of Greece.

“TIME IN MY HANDS” by Leda Papaconstantinou
Addressing the underrepresentation of female artists, the National Museum of Contemporary Art Αthens (ΕΜΣΤ) hosts a three-part cycle of exhibitions entitled “What if Women Ruled the World.” Focused on female artists Time in my Hands is a retrospective on Leda Papaconstantinou’s works featuring installations, paintings, sculptures, audio-visual and audio pieces, along with rare photographic and textual archival documents. Papaconstantinou, a pivotal figure in Greek contemporary art, explores gender, sexuality, collective and personal memory, politics and ecology with a focus on the human body. The exhibition will run until April 4, open daily from Tuesdays to Sundays between 11AM to 7PM.

Leda Papaconstantinou_ Deaf and Dumb
“The Swingin’ Cats” at Gazarte
The ultimate mood-lifting music band, The Swingin’ Cats returns to the Gazarte Roof Stage on January 13 for a night filled with dancing and laughter. With 14 years of vibrant performances at numerous festivals in Greece and abroad, The Swingin’ Cats promise a dance program featuring a diverse selection of Greek and foreign repertoire for an unforgettable evening. The performance featuring George Zervos (electric guitar, voice), Orestis Petrakis (keyboards), Stathis Paraskevopoulos (double bass), Dimitris Kalonaros (drums), Dimitris Papadopoulos (trumpet) and George Zareas (trombone) starts at 10PM.