The public is invited to attend the captivating English-language theatrical performance “Six Women in Greek Tragedy,” an assembly of ancient tragedies by Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. This unique event, paired with an exhibition on ancient theatrical masks, begins this Saturday, June 22, in the enchanting setting beneath the Acropolis and will last until the end of August.

Directed by Panos Angelopoulos, this open-air performance will be held in the beautiful garden of the Athens University History Museum, nestled in the heart of Plaka.

“Six Women in Greek Tragedy” highlights the female protagonists Medea, Electra, Antigone, Hecuba, Iphigenia, and Alcestis, showcasing their roles in ancient tragedies and their enduring impact on the portrayal of women in literature. These heroines address timeless themes and cultural issues that continue to resonate from antiquity to modern times.

A talented cast, accompanied by the evocative sounds of ancient musical instruments, will bring this remarkable production to life. Complementing the performance is an interactive exhibition titled “Ancient Greek Comedy & Tragedy Mask,” featuring an English-language tour by artist Yiannis Zimianitis, dedicated to the history and significance of theatrical masks.

This multifaceted event offers a unique theatrical experience for the international English-speaking audience, blending drama and historical insight in a spectacular setting. “We invite you to experience this unique theatrical event, which unites the global community through art and culture,” said the director of the performance.

Tickets can be found here: