‘Greek Around the World’ Hybrid Workshop at Ohio State to Coincide with Int’l Greek Language Day

A high-profile event at Ohio State University (OSU) in Columbus will take place on Friday on the occasion of International Greek Language Day, annually celebrated on February 9.

The event, in fact, is entitled “Greek Around the World – A Hybrid Workshop Celebrating Greek Language Day”.

The workshop, organized by OSU’s Laboratory for Greek Dialectology with the financial support of the noted US university’s Modern Greek Studies Program, will bring together academics and linguists from Greece and around the world.

Presentations will be made on the subjects of “Greek Outside Greece”, “The Language of Greek Immigrants in Canada”, “(Modern) Greek in South Albania”, “(Modern) Greek in Slovenia”, “(Modern) Greek in Chicago”, “Azov Greek”, “Greek in Turkey”, “(Modern) Greek in Istanbul”, “(Modern) Greek in South Italy”.

The entire one-day event, including a Q&A session and concluding remarks, will be livestreamed.

OSU’s Modern Greek Program is one of the oldest such academic initiatives in United States focusing on the contemporary version of the language indelibly linked with the foundations of Western Civilization.  The program was created with fundraising from the local Greek community of Ohio in the 1970s, when a group of Greek-Americans collected funding through ‘Project Paideia’. Since then, more than 12,000 students have taken one or more of the modern Greek courses offered by the Department of Classics.

Forty-five years later, with Evangelos Marinakis as the lead sponsor, the local Greek community, ‘Ohio Hellenic Paideia’ (OHP), initiated and completed a new round of fundraising between 2015-2020, in order to guarantee the continuing operation of the Modern Greek Program, which was otherwise destined to cease activity.

The result was the “Miltiadis Marinakis Endowed Professorship for Modern Greek Language and Culture”, which established at Ohio State in June 2020.

Please find the full itinerary below. You can join the workshop by clicking on this link .

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