Greece to Mark Int’l Museum Day with Focus on Education and Research

Throughout the month of May, museums across Greece will be celebrating International Museum Day with events and happenings

Museums in Greece are preparing to participate in this year’s International Museum Day opening their doors to visitors with special events and happenings on May 18.

Launched in 1977 by the International Council of Museums (ICOM), International Museum Day is aimed at highlighting their role in fostering learning, discovery, and cultural understanding.

The theme for 2024 is “Museums for Education and Research”.

In Greece, the Hellenic National Committee of ICOM will be organizing cultural events at museums across the country for the month of May. Each year, ICOM Greece honors one or more Greek museums, which also host the main event of the celebration.

This year, the Hellenic National Committee of ICOM has selected the Museum of Modern Greek Culture for its scientific and educational contribution. The museum will offer tours and other events for free on May 18 and host ICOM’s main event at 7pm.

The focus will be on quality education, equal access, inclusive and lifelong learning opportunities for all as well as sustainable development, resilient infrastructure and encouraging innovation.

The events, ICOM said, celebrate museums as agents of cultural exchange “for the purpose of enhancing education, promoting mutual understanding, peace and cooperation among peoples”.

The Museum of Cycladic Art will also be marking International Museum Day with extended times and free admission to its permanent exhibitions and with events for children and adults.

For a detailed program of the events go here.

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