Sculpture Exhibition at Kapopoulos Gallery

Kapopoulos Fine Arts Gallery, the first of four exhibitions,proudly presents acclaimed sculptor and author Carole A. Feuerman’s first solo exhibition in Greece, running until June 14. The celebrated American artist’s works are showcased in “an artistic dialogue” with those of the late Greek artist Pavlos Dionysopoulos.

Kapopoulos Gallery, Carole Feuerman

Feuerman, who attended the exhibition’s opening day, is renowned as a Superrealist artist. She is widely known for her figurative sculptures of swimmers and dancers and is distinguished as the only female sculptor creating realistically painted outdoor sculptures.

Kapopoulos Gallery, Carole Feuerman

Visitors can view the exhibition during the gallery’s opening hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 10 am to 5:30 pm, and Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 10 am to 8:30 pm.


The American College of Greece (ACG) Art Gallery presents the group exhibition AND ALL OUR WORLD IS DEW, curated by Eva Vaslamatzi, from May 23 to June 29. Featuring works from the ACG art collection, the exhibition explores themes of natural sciences, mathematical theories, and new technologies. It highlights the metaphysical dimensions of geometry, mathematics, and physics through abstract forms, diagrams, and artworks utilizing cameras, motors, LEDs, and other components.

Installation view, AND ALL OUR WORLD IS DEW, ACG Art Gallery, Deree- The American College of Greece, May 23- June 29, 2024
Image Credit: Stathis Mamalakis

The exhibition borrows the display cases of the College’s library to showcase archival material from the ACG collection related to the artists and works on display, as well as new works, such as texts by Georges Perec.

Installation view, AND ALL OUR WORLD IS DEW, ACG Art Gallery, Deree- The American College of Greece, May 23- June 29, 2024 Image Credit: Pinelopi Gerasimou

Admission is free, with visiting hours from Monday to Friday, 3 pm to 7 pm, and Saturday, 12 pm to 4 pm.

Triatomic Contemporary Art Exhibition: Summer Triangle

High in the starry summer sky lies the constellation of Eagle, very close to that of Lyra and the Swan. Back on earth, the Summer Triangle exhibition at Gallery presents three visual artists in a triatomic exhibition of contemporary art. Aimed at creating a multimedia and intercultural dialogue, Constantine Tzepras delivers lessons in aesthetic geography, while in the gallery’s underground space, Miral Gjolena portrays the concept of loss using coal as his primary material. In the gallery’s loft, Panagiotis Gritzos creates a virtual territory where people face the challenge of transition.

Four Exhibitions


Curated by Eirini Maria Nanouri, the exhibition offers free admission and is open to the public on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 10 am to 8 pm, and Wednesday and Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm.

Post-War Greece in McCabe’s Photo Retrospective

Since May 27, visitors at the Acropolis Museum have the opportunity to time-travel back to the Greek 1950s through Robert McCabe’s retrospective photo exhibition. The American photographer’s captures highlight Greece’s post-war reality, daily life, habits, and the people’s aspirations for a better future.

Four Exhibitions

The exhibition, hosted at the Acropolis Museum’s temporary exhibition gallery, offers free admission and runs during the museum’s opening hours.

Athens Photo Festival 2024

Inaugurated recently, the Benaki Museum puts Athens in the spotlight of the photography scene by hosting the Athens Photo Festival 2024. Running until June 28, visitors can explore visual artworks by international and Greek artists in Benaki’s 3,000-square-meter exhibition space. Hailing from 28 countries, more than 72 artists present their works, intersecting documentary photography, conceptual projects, photo installations, multimedia works, and publications.

Katerina Tsakiri

Tickets can be purchased upon arrival at the museum. The festival is open from 10 am to 6 pm on Thursdays and Sundays, and from 10 am to 10 pm on Fridays and Saturdays.