Athens Boasts Oldest Street in Europe

Tripodon Street holds the Guinness Book of World Records for keeping its name from the time of its creation, some 25 centuries ago

Greece is famous for its ancient history, so it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the oldest street in Europe is right in the heart of downtown Athens!
Tripodon Street, found  in the historic neighborhood of Plaka beneath the Acropolis, holds the Guinness Book of World Records for keeping the same name from the time of its creation, some 25 centuries ago.
The ancient street was once considered the most beautiful and decorated road in ancient Athens, connecting the Ancient Agora of Athens with the Theater of Dionysius. The street also hosted torchlight processions in honor of the god Dionysus.
This 800 meter-long, 6 meter-wide passage gained its name “Tripodon” (tripod)  from the bronze tripods placed along its length, which were prizes commemorating victorious theatrical and musical performances held at the Theater of Dionysius.
These tripods were mounted on monuments that showed the names of the play’s contributors. One such monument, the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, still stands today.

Though used daily by locals and tourists alike, few realize they are walking on a street that has witnessed millennia of Athenian history.

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