Severe weather, including heavy rain, thunder and hailstorms, is forecast for most parts of Greece from late Thursday (Aug. 29) to Saturday (Aug. 31).

The National Meteorological Service (EMY) issued an emergency weather bulletin, forecasting adverse conditions.

As part of preparedness efforts, particularly after the massive fires that burned many parts of Attica in the wider Athens area and mainland Greece earlier this month, the Civil Protection Ministry announced after an emergency meeting on Thursday that it had developed an emergency action plan and was on high alert.

severe weather

Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias met with the Scientific Committee for Risk Assessment and with representatives from relevant ministries, regions, security forces, and armed forces to draw out the plan for the severe weather ahead.

More specifically, according to EMY, a cold front moving into Greece is expected to cause a deterioration in weather across most of the mainland with a high chance of heavy rain and thunderstorms, accompanied by frequent lightning and local hailstorms. These phenomena will be temporarily accompanied by very strong winds.

According to meteorologists, the cold front is expected to create unpredictable weather conditions which may lead to increased risk of flooding. Authorities advise against travel during this time.

For the latest weather updates stay tuned to EMY.