Applications for the government subsidy for heating oil payments are expected to open in the coming days.

According to To Bima, prices for heating oil are expected to be set by refiners at around 1.11 to 1.12 euros per liter this year, compared to 1.35 euros last year.

Recently, international oil prices have been on the rise, affecting the price of heating oil. Significantly, from $71 a barrel on 30 September, it shot up to almost $80 this Friday.

The government heating oil subsidy is available based on income, as well as property holdings. Single people who make under €16,000 annually, married people who make under €24,000 (which increases €5,000 for each child), and single-parent families who make below €26,000 annually are eligible for the allowance. As for the property criteria, single individuals must have real estate with an objective value for tax purposes (ENFIA) of up to 200,000 euros, and married or single-parent individuals up to 300,000 euros.

The subsidy is also scaled based on location. It usually ranges between €100 and €800, and even up to €1,000 in the colder regions of the country, where heating needs are greater and therefore consumption of oil or other heating sources is higher.

Last year, applications for the heating subsidy were opened by Greece’s Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) in early November. Applications are made online through the MyΘέρμανση (MyHeating) application of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue ( Similar subsidies are available for other heating methods.