Greece Offers Support to Beekeepers Impacted by Extreme Weather in 2023

The measures have already been published in the government's official Gazette and are applicable from 2024

Greece Offers Support to Beekeepers Impacted by Extreme Weather in 2023

Beekeepers in Greece that have been impacted by extreme weather in 2023 may be eligible for a range of support measures, which are detailed in the official government Gazette of December 22.

Specifically, the measures apply to those who have lost more than half of their beehives (which must be evidenced through the National Electronic Beekeeping Register) and the terms for applying for support in 2024 are as follows:

  • The number of hives eligible for replacement is based on the number registered by beekeepers before the disaster
  • The maximum number of hives that can be replaced is set at 50% of the total hives lost due to the natural disaster
  • The subsidy will cover at least 80% of the cost of new hives (pending the cost of equipment does not surpass preapproved values as determined by the government

The support measures have been adopted to reduce potential shortages in the supply of honey in the Greek market and to cover the needs of mobile bases for beehives, which became increasingly evident through the natural disasters of 2023. As a result, special measures for nomadic beekeepers have also been elaborated upon in the Gazette.

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