The recent devastating fire in Attica has made matters far worse for farmers in the towns of Marathon and Varnavas, whose produce has already faced significant challenges this past year.

The start of the year was marked by a dry winter, while the continuous heatwaves and prolonged drought during the summer had put enough a strain on produce even before the fire destroyed acres of crops.

Producers call the situation a total disaster. “After many years of hard work, we are left with nothing. We can’t cultivate, we don’t know what tomorrow will bring, we have no income.”

Tons of tomatoes, zucchinis, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, and herbs were destroyed in the blaze, resulting in visible shortages at farmers’ markets.

Accompanying price hikes in basic food items have consumers concerned.

Prices at farmers’ markets are expected to rise even more as demand increases with the return of vacationers.

President of the Marathon Agricultural Association Alexandros Varsos commented, “The issue of shortages and price hikes has been ongoing for quite some time due to weather conditions. The fire has added the final straw.”