Kaili's lawyer sought to protect her legislative immunity in an investigation into alleged fraudulent payments
Catch up on the most important events in Greece from the day before with To Vima English Edition's News Wrap-up
"Greece, as a robust member of the European Union and belonging to the broader Eastern Mediterranean region, can engage with the involved parties. It is one of the few countries with this capability precisely because it has built diplomatic capital through the foreign policy principles it exercises," he noted
The Greek-owned ship was hit by a missile attack on Tuesday afternoon, sustaining damage from the strike but continued its course.
The Court ruled that Greece was obligated to pay the applicants – three Syrian nationals - €80,000 in respect of non-pecuniary damage
Allowing Greek citizens abroad the right to vote from their permanent or temporary residence has the ability to completely alter for the better the relationship between the Diaspora with the Greek state.
Hatzidakis proposed energy interconnection between Europe and eastern Mediterranean countries like Egypt and Israel, adding that apart from strengthening energy security and stability in the region this would also serve the EU’s geopolitical interests.
However, the Commission warned about the need for balance, emphasizing that substantial wage hikes, without parallel productivity gains, could adversely impact competitiveness across Europe
The specific study was composed last autumn by the Athens-based Demokritos National Research Center and serves as the first strategic foresight for the use of generative AI in Greece, according to its authors
As a result a series of benefits will need to be cut, particularly in terms of the monetary support currently provided by the organization
Socialist party president also calls for abolition of 'Golden Visa' scheme due to skyrocketing rental prices; stepped up inspections of super market shelves
The intricate dance between Washington, Athens, and Ankara around the sale of new fighter jets and Sweden’s potential NATO membership remain a complex challenge for American diplomacy. While the situation may seem like a modern-day Gordian knot, it seems unlikely that Secretary of State Anthony Blinken will take a page out of Alexander the Great’s […]
If passed, as widely expected, a special online platform will open ahead of the June European Parliament election
The ceremony took place on board the General Support Ship "Hercules," provided by the Hellenic Navy as the flagship. The event was attended by NATO Surface Forces Commander Rear Admiral Stefan D. Pauly on Friday, January 12
Donal Trump was the last U.S. President to mingle with the Davos crowd gathering at the Swiss resort when he arrived four years ago in ostentatious style with his entourage landing in a squadron of helicopters.
A trio of ground-breaking reforms, at least by the often timid political standards of contemporary Greece, is apparently forthcoming this month, with the center-right Mitsotakis government set to table legislation with provisions that will irk one end of the political spectrum or the other. The most prominent and contentious initiative is the legalization of same-sex […]
In the Mediterranean, 730 tons of plastics enter the sea every day, accounting for 90% of floating litter and over 50% of that found on the seabed
The draft legislation will give all registered voters the right to vote by mail-in ballot, whether they live in Greece or abroad.
Davos, NYC, Chicago, EU Summit scheduled, with prospect of official visits to New Delhi, Seoul, Canada also cited